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Spring Rejuvenation

Surgical and Non-Surgical Options for a Refreshed You

As nature awakens with the arrival of spring, it’s the perfect time to refresh and renew not only your surroundings but also yourself. At Madnani Facial Plastics, we understand the desire to embrace the season with a revitalized appearance. Whether you’re considering surgical or non-surgical options, we offer a range of treatments to help you achieve your aesthetic goals this spring.

Surgical Options:


A facelift is a surgical procedure designed to address signs of aging in the face and neck. By tightening underlying facial muscles and removing excess skin, a facelift can restore a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance. Spring is an ideal time for this procedure, allowing ample time for recovery before summer.

Neck Lift:

Often done in conjunction with a facelift, a neck lift specifically targets sagging skin and muscle banding in the neck area. By tightening the neck muscles and removing excess skin, a neck lift can create a smoother, more defined neckline, restoring a youthful contour to the lower face and neck.

Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty):

Eyelid surgery can address sagging eyelids, puffiness, and under-eye bags, rejuvenating the appearance of the eyes for a more rested and youthful look. With minimal downtime, spring is an excellent time to undergo this procedure and enjoy brighter, more refreshed eyes.

Fat Transfer:

Fat transfer, also known as fat grafting, involves harvesting fat from one area of the body (such as the abdomen or thighs) and injecting it into areas that have lost volume, such as the cheeks, temples, or lips. This natural filler alternative can restore youthful fullness to the face and improve overall facial harmony, providing long-lasting results with minimal risk of allergic reaction or rejection.

Non-Surgical Options:

Injectables (Botox and Dermal Fillers):

Injectables such as Botox and dermal fillers offer a quick and convenient way to smooth wrinkles, restore volume, and enhance facial contours without surgery. Whether you want to soften fine lines or plump up lips, these treatments provide natural-looking results with minimal downtime, making them perfect for a springtime refresh.

Laser Skin Resurfacing:

Laser skin resurfacing can improve skin tone and texture, reduce the appearance of sun damage, and stimulate collagen production for firmer, smoother skin. With spring’s milder temperatures and reduced sun exposure, it’s an ideal time to undergo laser treatments and achieve a more radiant complexion.

Chemical Peels:

Chemical peels are effective in exfoliating the skin, reducing acne scars, and minimizing hyperpigmentation, revealing a brighter, more even-toned complexion. Spring is the perfect season for chemical peels, as the cooler weather allows for faster healing and less sun exposure post-treatment.


Threadlifts are a minimally invasive alternative to traditional facelift surgery, involving the insertion of dissolvable threads under the skin to lift and tighten sagging facial tissues. With minimal downtime and natural-looking results, threadlifts are an excellent option for patients looking to rejuvenate their appearance without surgery, making them perfect for a springtime refresh.

Whether you’re interested in surgical enhancements or non-surgical treatments, spring is the perfect time to embark on your journey to a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance. At Madnani Facial Plastics, we offer personalized solutions to help you achieve your aesthetic goals safely and effectively. If you’re ready to embrace a new season with confidence and vitality, contact us today to schedule a consultation. Let’s welcome spring together with a renewed sense of beauty and self-assurance.

Surgical Educator and Mentor

Dr. Dilip D Madnani: A Surgical Educator and Mentor Beyond the Operating Room

In the dynamic realm of medical practitioners, Dr. Dilip D Madnani stands out not only as a distinguished surgeon but also as an educator and mentor. Renowned for his expertise in Facial Plastic Surgery, his journey as a teacher comes full circle as he returns to the very institution where he received his training.

Dr. Madnani serves as a Clinical Assistant Professor at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology/Head & Neck Surgery. Beyond his busy surgery practice, he dedicates significant time to shaping the future of medicine by imparting his knowledge and skills to aspiring physicians and surgeons looking to further improve their techniques.

Mentoring Future Surgeons

Dr. Madnani opens his practice to residents who come to learn from the best. His mentorship goes beyond theoretical lessons, as he imparts practical skills, allowing the next generation of surgeons to witness and engage in cutting-edge procedures.

Global Recognition

Dr. Madnani’s influence extends far beyond the boundaries of his academic home. Doctors from around the world seek the opportunity to observe and learn from his expertise. His practice becomes a global classroom where professionals gather to witness his innovative facelift techniques and absorb the nuanced artistry of his surgical skills. This international recognition not only highlights Dr. Madnani’s prowess in the field but also underscores the impact of his teachings on a global scale. Just this past year, we have received surgeons from Brazil, Italy, Spain and Eastern Europe. Dr Madnani is also regularly invited to speak and regularly presents at various national and international conferences.

Innovation in Facelift Techniques

At the heart of Dr. Madnani’s mentorship lies his minimalistic approach to facelift surgery. Residents fortunate enough to learn from him are exposed to innovative methods that challenge traditional norms. By combining artistry with surgical precision and meticulous patient care, Dr. Madnani imparts a unique skill set that sets his mentees apart in the competitive field of cosmetic surgery.

Dr. Dilip D Madnani’s commitment to education and mentorship demonstrates a profound dedication to the advancement of medicine. As a Clinical Assistant Professor at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and a sought-after mentor globally, he not only enhances the skills of future surgeons but also elevates the standards of the medical profession. Through his teachings and innovative facelift techniques, Dr. Madnani leaves an indelible mark on the world of surgery, inspiring a new generation of medical professionals to reach greater heights.

Guiding the Path

Embarking on the transformative journey of a facelift is an empowering decision, a step towards embracing your best self. While the results promise a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance, it’s crucial to acknowledge the part of the process that isn’t often discussed—the healing journey, particularly when it comes to scarring. In this blog post, we’ll delve into what you can expect in terms of scarring after facelift surgery and explore strategies to optimize the healing process.


Understanding Scarring after Facelift Surgery


The Nature of Scars:

Scarring is a natural part of the body’s healing process. Following a facelift, incisions are carefully made in inconspicuous areas to minimize visibility. While modern surgical techniques aim to create minimal scarring, it’s essential to be realistic about the fact that some degree of scarring is inevitable.


Initial Appearance:

In the early stages of healing, scars may appear red or pink and slightly raised. This is a normal part of the healing process and is often temporary. Over time, scars typically fade and become less noticeable.


Tips for Enhancing Healing and Minimizing Scarring


Follow Post-Operative Care Guidelines:

Your surgeon will provide detailed post-operative care instructions. Adhering to these guidelines is crucial for optimal healing. This may include keeping the incision areas clean, avoiding direct sunlight, and refraining from activities that could put strain on the healing tissues.


Embrace Scar-Reducing Topicals:

There are several topical treatments available that can help reduce the visibility of scars. Silicone-based gels, vitamin E, and other scar-minimizing products can be beneficial when used as directed by your surgeon.


Consider Laser Therapy:

Laser therapy is a non-invasive option for improving the appearance of scars. Discuss with your surgeon if laser treatments are suitable for your specific case and how they can be incorporated into your post-operative care plan.

Medical Tattooing: this is a wonderful option especially for those who have developed changes in color where the incisions were placed. This is an option that can make the scars essentially ‘disappear’ and blend into the surrounding skin

Steroid injections: these can be used commonly for any raised or hard areas that develop around the incision sites


Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle:

Proper nutrition and hydration play a significant role in the healing process. A well-balanced diet and adequate water intake can contribute to optimal tissue regeneration and help scars heal more efficiently.


Be Patient and Manage Expectations:


Scarring evolves over time, and it’s important to be patient. While scars may be more noticeable initially, they often fade significantly with time. Trust the process and maintain open communication with your surgeon about your concerns and progress.

While scarring is an inherent aspect of any surgical procedure, the beauty of a facelift lies in the transformation it brings. By understanding what to expect in terms of scarring and actively participating in your healing journey, you can optimize the results and enhance the overall outcome of your facelift surgery.

Remember, each individual’s healing process is unique, and your surgeon is your best resource for personalized guidance. Embrace the journey, follow the recommended post-operative care, and watch as your newfound radiance gradually emerges, scars and all—a testament to the strength and resilience of your transformative journey.

Embracing Transformation

Embarking on the journey of facial plastic surgery is a transformative decision, one that can enhance both your physical appearance and self-confidence. The key to a successful and fulfilling experience lies not only in the skilled hands of your surgeon but also in cultivating a positive attitude and realistic expectations. In this blog post, we will explore some essential strategies to help you approach facial plastic surgery with a confident mindset and a grounded outlook.


Cultivating a Positive Attitude


Self-Reflection and Motivation:

Before undergoing facial plastic surgery, take the time to reflect on your motivations. Understand the aspects of your appearance that you wish to enhance and consider how these changes might positively impact your life. A positive attitude begins with a clear understanding of your goals and an acknowledgment of the personal growth this journey can facilitate.


Trust in Your Surgeon:

Choosing a qualified and experienced facial plastic surgeon is paramount. Establish open communication and trust with your surgeon, discussing your expectations and concerns openly. Knowing that you are in capable hands can significantly contribute to a positive mindset.


Surround Yourself with Support:

Seek support from friends, family, or a support group of individuals who have undergone similar procedures. Positive encouragement and shared experiences can be invaluable as you navigate the emotional aspects of your surgical journey.


Developing Realistic Expectations


Educate Yourself:

A crucial aspect of maintaining realistic expectations is to educate yourself about the procedure you’re considering. Understand the potential outcomes, recovery process, and any associated risks. Your surgeon will provide information, but proactive research can further solidify your understanding.


Consultation Transparency:

During your consultation, openly discuss your expectations with your surgeon. They will provide insights into what can be realistically achieved based on your unique features and anatomy. Clear communication ensures that both you and your surgeon are on the same page.


Recognize Limitations:

While facial plastic surgery can produce remarkable results, it’s essential to recognize its limitations. Unrealistic expectations can lead to dissatisfaction. Embrace the idea that enhancement is about refining and rejuvenating, rather than achieving perfection.

Maintaining a Positive Post-Surgery Mindset


Patience is Key:

Recovery is a gradual process, and results may not be immediately apparent. Practice patience and trust in your body’s natural healing abilities. Celebrate small milestones along the way, and understand that the final results will evolve and improve over time.


Emotional Well-being:

Nurture your emotional well-being throughout the recovery period. Engage in activities that bring you joy, practice self-care, and focus on the positive changes occurring both inside and out.


Approaching facial plastic surgery with a positive mindset and realistic expectations sets the foundation for a satisfying and empowering experience. By cultivating self-awareness, surrounding yourself with support, and staying informed, you can embark on your journey with confidence, embracing the transformative power of facial plastic surgery.

Remember, the goal is not just physical enhancement but an overall positive impact on your well-being. Trust in your decisions, stay connected with your support network, and revel in the journey towards a more confident and radiant you.

Why Fall is the Ideal Season for a Facelift

As the leaves begin to change and the air turns crisp, fall brings with it a sense of transformation and renewal. It’s a season of change, and what better time to consider rejuvenating your appearance with a facelift? Dr. Dilip D Madnani, a renowned facial plastic surgeon, believes that fall is the perfect season for a facelift, and in this article, we’ll explore why.

  1. Cooler Weather is More Comfortable

One of the key advantages of choosing fall for a facelift is the milder weather. Summer can be sweltering, and undergoing a surgical procedure during hot and humid conditions is not ideal. Fall offers cooler temperatures that are more comfortable for recovery. Patients can avoid the discomfort of overheating or excessive sweating, allowing for a smoother and more pleasant healing experience.

  1. Reduced Sun Exposure

Fall is characterized by shorter days and less intense sunlight. This reduced sun exposure can be beneficial for patients who have recently had a facelift. Sun exposure can lead to skin damage, pigmentation issues, and slow down the healing process. By choosing to undergo a facelift in the fall, you can minimize your sun exposure during the crucial initial stages of recovery.

  1. Scar Concealment

Scarring is a natural part of any surgical procedure, including facelifts. During the fall, you can easily conceal any residual bruising or scarring with scarves, hats, and other fall fashion accessories. This gives you the freedom to heal discreetly and maintain your privacy during the recovery period.

  1. Preparing for the Holidays

For many people, fall is a time when they start thinking about the upcoming holiday season. By scheduling your facelift in the fall, you can have ample time to recover and look your best for the holiday gatherings and celebrations. You’ll be able to confidently face friends and family, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

  1. Planning for the Long Term

A facelift is an investment in your long-term appearance and confidence. By having the procedure in the fall, you’ll have several months of recovery and healing before the busy summer months roll around again. This means you can enjoy your results to the fullest during the following spring and summer, allowing you to make the most of your newfound youthful appearance.

  1. Consultation and Planning

Fall also provides an opportunity for thorough consultation and planning with Dr. Dilip D Madnani and his team. With the slower pace of the season, you can take the time to discuss your goals, ask questions, and ensure that your facelift is tailored to your unique needs and desires. This personalized approach is essential for achieving the best possible results.

Choosing to have a facelift in the fall is a strategic decision that offers numerous advantages. From the comfortable weather and reduced sun exposure to the opportunity for discreet healing and planning for holiday events, fall is the perfect season for a facial rejuvenation procedure. Dr. Dilip D Madnani and his team are ready to guide you through the process, ensuring a safe and satisfying experience. Embrace the change of the season and transform your appearance this fall for a more youthful and confident you.

The Optimal Timing for a Facelift: A Surgeon’s Perspective

In a recent interview, Sarah Jessica Parker shared her thoughts on undergoing a facelift in one’s 40s. As a facial plastic surgeon in New York, I believe it is crucial to address this topic and provide a comprehensive perspective on the optimal timing for a facelift. While I agree and disagree with Parker’s comments, I would like to shed light on the reasons behind considering a facelift and the factors that influence this decision.

Age Considerations:
From my experience, I have found that the best age range for a facelift is typically in one’s 50s. At this stage, patients often exhibit a youthful and refreshed appearance. It is worth noting that in past generations, individuals in their 40s often looked like people in their 50s today. However, due to advancements in healthcare, increased awareness, and a better understanding of aging, people now age more gracefully.

Importance of Lifestyle Factors:
In recent years, people have become increasingly aware of the detrimental effects of certain lifestyle factors on skin health. Factors such as smoking, sun exposure, lack of sunscreen usage, and poor diet can accelerate the aging process. Fortunately, individuals today are more conscious of these influences and make conscious efforts to protect their skin. Moreover, the decrease in pollution exposure also contributes to better overall skin health.

Facelift Patients in their 50s:
As a facial plastic surgeon, I have found that patients in their 50s are often ideal candidates for a facelift. However, it is important to emphasize that I regularly perform facelift procedures on patients both younger and older than this age range. Ultimately, the decision to undergo a facelift is a personal one and should be based on individual circumstances.

Choosing the Right Surgeon:
When considering a facelift, it is crucial to find a surgeon who specializes in this procedure and whose results you admire. Experience and a proven track record are key factors to consider when selecting a surgeon. Take the time to research and consult with various surgeons to ensure you are comfortable and confident in your choice.

Sarah Jessica Parker’s Perspective:
In the case of Sarah Jessica Parker, I do not believe she has missed the chance to undergo a facelift. However, as a public figure, she may prefer making natural changes over time through maintenance treatments rather than undergoing surgery. This approach allows for subtle enhancements that align with her personal preferences and career in the public eye.

Deciding to undergo a facelift is a personal choice that should be made based on individual circumstances, preferences, and the guidance of an experienced facial plastic surgeon. While the optimal timing for a facelift often falls within one’s 50s, every patient is unique. Factors such as lifestyle, skin health, and personal goals should be considered when making this decision. Remember to choose a surgeon who specializes in facelift procedures and has a proven record of delivering exceptional results. By understanding these factors and making an informed decision, patients can achieve their desired rejuvenation while maintaining their natural beauty.

Vogue Article

When is the best time to get a facelift?

Facelifts, also known as rhytidectomies, are a popular cosmetic surgical procedure that can help to rejuvenate the appearance of the face and restore a more youthful look. If you’re considering a facelift, one of the most common questions you may have is: when is the best time to get one?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the ideal time for a facelift will vary depending on a number of factors, including your age, skin type, lifestyle, and overall health. However, there are a few general guidelines that can help you determine the best time to get a facelift.

Firstly, it’s important to understand that a facelift is a surgical procedure, and as such, it comes with some inherent risks and recovery time. It’s generally recommended that you be in good overall health before undergoing a facelift, as this can help to reduce the risk of complications and ensure a smoother recovery. If you have any underlying health conditions, such as high blood pressure or diabetes, it’s important to discuss these with your surgeon beforehand.

Age is also a consideration when deciding on the best time for a facelift. While there’s no set age limit for a facelift, most people who undergo the procedure are in their 40s to 60s. This is because the skin tends to lose elasticity and collagen as we age, which can lead to wrinkles, sagging, and jowls. However, it’s important to note that age is not the only factor to consider, and younger or older patients may still be good candidates for a facelift.

Skin type is another important factor to consider when deciding on the best time for a facelift. If you have very thin or delicate skin, you may be more prone to scarring or other complications. Similarly, if you have a history of skin cancer or other skin conditions, you may need to take additional precautions before undergoing a facelift.

Finally, your lifestyle and overall health can also play a role in determining the best time for a facelift. If you smoke, for example, you may be advised to quit several weeks or even months before the procedure, as smoking can interfere with the healing process. Similarly, if you have a very busy schedule or a high-stress job, you may need to plan for additional recovery time to ensure that you can rest and heal properly.

Ultimately, the decision of when to get a facelift is a personal one that should be made in consultation with a surgeon who specializes in the area of work you are seeking to have done.

If you would like to setup a consultation with Dr. Dilip Madnani, please click here to get started.

Why Choose MFP ?

The MFP difference – The Dr. Madnani Difference

Our practice focuses primarily on facial rejuvenation. Dr. Madnani is primarily a ‘facelift’ surgeon, who has successfully performed thousands of facelifts, starting in 2010! So its been 13 years now of facelift surgery.

Dr. Madnani has thousands of reviews online for his facial surgeries (you can add them up), and say more than 1000 reviews over the last 13 years, consistenly positive.

Dr. Madnani has built an incredible team of over 30 members, who assist all the providers in the practice with our patients, spread out over two locations.

We have multiple other providers that also help Dr. Madnani with different facial rejuvenation procedures, and they get to see the anatomy daily with Dr Madnani in the operating room- and learn from weekly clinical meetings that Dr. Madnani runs and oversees with his team and attend conferences around the country and courses around the world.

What to look for in your facelift surgeon ?

  1. How many facelifts do they perform a year ? (Dr. Madnani performs over 200)
  2. How many years have they been performing facelift surgery- not any surgery, just facelift surgery ? – Dr. Madnani has been performing facelifts for over 10 years
  3. Do they perform other surgeries, or just facial surgeries? Dr. Madnani only performs surgery on the face.
  4. Do they have a team to support them before and after surgery ? how do they contact the doctor? What if there is an emergency, is the team prepared to help?- Dr. Madnani has over 15 clinical team members who help him and specialize in facial rejuvenation- His nurses and physician assistants help him in the operating room and see patients in office so they are all experienced in helping patients throughout their facial rejuvenation journeys
  5. Where does the surgeon operate? Dr. Madnani operates in his own AAAASF certified operating room at both his locations in New York.
  6. How long does the team take in surgery? Madnani’s surgeries take anywhere from 2-4 hours.
  7. What kind of anesthesia does the surgeon use for facelifts ? Dr. Madnani performs his facelifts under local anesthesia with oral sedation or under IV sedation (twilight), never under general anesthesia. Completely avoiding the risks associated with general anesthesia.
  8. Do you have before and afters of facelift surgery? Dr Madnani has 100’s of pictures spanning over 10 years of only facelift surgery. You wont find pictures of body work performed by Dr. Madnani.
  9. Cutting edge procedures- Dr. Madnani has consistently kept up with advances in his field, he regularly combines energy based devices- lasers, radiofrequency etc with his surgical procedures and is able to perform all these procedures without general anesthesia.

Please visit Dr Madnani’s social media, youtube, instagram and tiktok. You will see his facelift surgical videos from over the years, and many patient reviews and testimonials over the years.  The MFP difference!

The Surgical Journey FAQ’s

Explained by Dr. Madnani and Nurse Lisa

Hey, guys. I’m very happy to introduce you to our head operating room nurse, Lisa Calhoun here. Hello. many of you who know me and my practice have met or interacted with Lisa in some way or the other, Lisa’s primary responsibilities is to manage everything that happens in the operating room and to manage all of the pre-surgical and post surgical care of our patients.  Now, what does that mean? That means we have a team of nurses that help me with my surgical patients, and we have a team of operating room personnel and aftercare clinical personnel, which includes physician assistant and surgical technicians. So there’s a there’s a big team behind the scenes that helps me do what I do in the practice.

And even now we have Dr. Singh, and other doctors to be coming on board. So there’s a lot that goes on behind the scenes.  We get a lot of questions about after care, before care, so we will be reviewing this.  We have Mallory behind the camera over there, our PA Mallory who’s our surgical PA and helps me manage all of my clinical, surgical patients, and she’ll be asking some frequently asked questions, and Lisa will be answering them.



What are the different types of anesthesia offered in your practice?

I’m going to start by saying that there are in general, three types of anesthesia offered for Facelift surgery:

One is general anesthesia, which is most commonly performed by most surgeons in the country. Then there’s IV sedation, which is also considered twilight, and then there’s oral sedation with  local anesthesia. In my practice, we mostly do oral sedation with local anesthesia or IV sedation, at least I’m gonna go over some of those two the nuances between the two. We do about ninety percent of our surgeries under oral sedation with local anesthesia (also known as our “awake Facelift”). So there’s a combination of medications that will be sent to the pharmacy. And what that means is the patient will get some oral Valium, which will help relax them during the procedure. They will also get some type of pain medication, which will help keep them pretty pain free during the surgery. We’ll also get an antibiotic and an anti-nausea medication. So that’s the oral sedation local anesthesia.

IV sedation is performed with an anesthesiologist, they are present throughout the procedure. And the patient will get an IV and will be administered propofol to keep them very comfortable during the surgery. So that’s primarily also known as twilight. So those of you that have had a colonoscopy before that’s what the IV sedation is.

General anesthesia is performed by an anesthesiologist where the patient is asleep and has a complete loss of consciousness.

The choice is completely up to the patient.

And so the patients who are asleep throughout the whole case?

Yes. Exactly. And we do have an anesthesiologist present. Yes. And the difference between that in terms of the patients prep before surgeries, they require a medical clearance. So all patients getting IV submissions will require a medical clearance even if you’re healthy, and if you are healthy and you’re having it under local with oral sedation, no medical clearance is typically needed.


Are there any medications that I need to take before surgery?

So generally speaking, no. We want you to pick up all the medications patients from your pharmacy that we send to you and bring them with us. There, it it will depend on the procedures that you’re scheduled for whether you start the medications before or not. And your nurse during your pre op appointment will review that with you.


What should I wear the day of surgery?

So, day of surgery, what we would like you to wear head to toe would be no makeup on your face. So no harsh chemicals, no heavy lotions, anything like that. A bra with no underwire, so make sure that you don’t have any metal on your body that includes any jewel where your valuables leave those at home. A tank top of some sort. would be preferred and comfortable sweatpants or shorts are are preferred for day of surgery. Also, slip on shoes are generally better.


Do I need someone to stay with me overnight?

It is recommended that we have that you have somebody to stay overnight for the first twenty four hours post-operatively. That does include someone to physically come and pick you up from our facility. An Uber driver or cab does not count as a responsible adult does have to pick you up.


If I’m getting a facelift, when is my post operative appointments?

You’ll be seen in our office by one of our nurses or PA’s (Physician Assistants) the next day, so that’s twenty four hours after your surgery. You’ll come in for a post operative wrap change. During that appointment, we welcome your significant other or caregiver to come in and witness that appointment. They will will show you and your caregiver how to clean the incisions how to do the post operative dressing change during that appointment. And then there’s a one week follow-up appointment after facelifts for the sutures to come out and then typically a two week (follow- up) appointment. In terms of when you get to see me after surgery, I try to see all my patients, but I’m usually in the operating room. I will see you within the first couple weeks after surgery.  Obviously, if there’s any kind of complication or issues, we’ll be right there with you.


If I’m not having a facelift, if I’m having eyelid surgery or liposuction or a different type of procedure that your office offers, When are my follow-up appointments?

The next follow-up would be one a week following surgery. And if there’s any issues or concerns, we can definitely see you sooner than that. a physician assistant or nurse will be following up with you every day up until your one week follow-up. Our office is in touch with you regularly after surgery, and you can also be in touch with our office. We have an online system, a messaging system where you can send pictures and text us, it’s called Klara. So you’ll be getting that information at the time of your pre op appointment and after search.


What do I do if I have a concern pre or post op?

So we have an online messaging service that you can communicate right after your pre op appointment up until even after your surgery that you that it monitored by a physician assistant and nurses all day every day. From that during this normal business hours, nine AM to five PM, Monday through Friday, and the occasional Saturdays we are open. After your surgery, if you have a postoperative concern, you will have the operating physician’s cell phone number to contact in case of emergency or any urgent concerns.


What should I eat before surgery?

So if you’re going under oral sedation with local anesthesia, we do recommend that you have a light meal before arriving. Please do avoid caffeine though. If you do go under IV sedation, we recommend that you not eat or drink anything after ten PM thing.

Why Fall is the Best Time for Your Procedure

Why Fall is the Best Time for Your Procedure

Fall has officially arrived, have you booked your plastic surgery yet? There are a number of reasons to go under the knife this time of year. With many benefits to be gained, make this fall the season when you finally reach those aesthetic goals you have been putting off. We have five good reasons why fall is the best time to schedule your plastic surgery.

More Time Off

Many people find that fall is a relatively easy time to take off from work, after the rush of summer vacations and before the bustle of the holiday season. Many businesses actually slow down by the holidays, making time off more available to employees. Since some plastic surgery procedures require 1-3 weeks of recovery time, the ability to take sufficient time off to heal ensures your procedure is both as safe and successful as possible.

Good Time for a Staycation

When you book a plastic surgery procedure during the summer months, it can be difficult to take time away from all the outdoor activities. When the temperatures cool off in the fall, spending those days indoors recuperating can be a lot more inviting. This is a pleasant time of year to curl up in front of the fire with a book or binge watch your favorite television show under your favorite afghan.

Easier to Hide the Healing

Plastic surgery involves incisions, bandages and healing time, which can all be a dead giveaway you had a cosmetic procedure. When the temperatures cool down and the jeans and sweaters come out, it is much easier to conceal those telltale signs under cool weather clothing. You can even grab a scarf, hat or gloves to hide incisions, swelling and bruising during the recovery process.

Get (or Give) the Gift of Beauty

Plastic surgery can be pricey and insurance does not typically cover procedures done strictly for cosmetic reasons. If you plan your procedure near the holidays, you might be able to get that special someone to give you at least a portion of the procedure as a gift. Keep in mind this is also a good time of year to offer the gift of plastic surgery to someone you care about that you know has specific aesthetic goals they would like to meet. Most plastic surgeons provide the ability to purchase gift certificates that can be used by a recipient.

Greet the New Year in Style

Depending on the specific procedure you decide to undergo, you can be completely healed up within a matter of weeks. This means that if you schedule your procedure now, you may be ready to flaunt your new look in time for New Year’s Eve. Even if you book a bit later in the season, you can rest assured you will be recovered in time for your spring break adventure.

Fall is an opportune time for plastic surgery for a number of reasons. Dr. Madnani offers a variety of procedures at his Manhattan office, giving his New York City patients options to help them reach all of their aesthetic goals. To learn more about your personal choices in plastic surgery, contact Madnani Facial Plastics at (332) 216-0176 or (516) 582-8976.

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